Green & Gold Community Garden - University of Alberta Farm

When I first became a University of Alberta Farm heritage egg supporter, I would pick up our eggs on Saturday afternoons at the University of Alberta Farm. In the summer and in the Fall, I would often see signs up talking about the "Green & Gold Community Garden".  I never knew what they meant by the "garden" at first, until I went to another Heritage Egg event. One Saturday in August we decided to make a stop by these gardens after we picked up our heritage eggs. The gardens are actually located in the Alberta Farms area (close to the Saville Sports Centre) and down the road from where we pick up our eggs.

The Green & Gold Community Garden is a beautiful place! Gorgeous flowers, luscious produce and the air even seems fresher in this part of Edmonton!

The beets are bright & big!

An assortment of squash & zucchini for purchasing.

The garden grows a variety of squash, lettuce, herbs & kale!

Fresh artichoke! 
There are also flowers that you can purchase as well.

All the prices are reasonable at the Green & Gold Gardens. The gardens are all volunteered run and all the proceeds go towards the Tubahumurize Association in Rwanda.

The colour in the swiss chard is just amazing! Look at those large leaves!

The Green & Gold Community Garden is truly a magical place. It is a great place to consider purchasing fresh farm produce for a good cause, an educational opportunity for the kids or just to walk around on a Tuesday evening or a Saturday morning.

Find out more about the Green & Gold Garden on their website and also to see what produce they have each week. 

Green & Gold Garden
Tuesdays: 6:30-7:30pm
Saturdays: 11am-1pm


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